I was interviewed by the Dark Prince of Chaos Magic himself, Gordon White. We talked about being a weird kid, grimoires, history and the dead.
Good times.
I was interviewed by the Dark Prince of Chaos Magic himself, Gordon White. We talked about being a weird kid, grimoires, history and the dead.
Good times.
“Necromancer (necromantes) he that practises that wicked Art, a Master of the Black Art, one that seeks to the dead; or consults with Satan in the shape of a dead man. The Hebrews describe him thus; he made himself hungry, and then lodged among the Graves, that the dead might come to him in a dream, and make known to him that which he asked, &c. Others there were that clad themselves with cloathes for that purpose, and spoke certain words, burned Incense, and slept by themselves, that such a dead person might come and talk with them in a dream.”
- Thomas Blount, Glossographia (London, 1661)