Joyful Preparations for Epiphany
Readings for the Year Ahead
The Feast of Adam and Eve
Reading Room: Gary Noriyuki
Geomancy Foundation Course Testimonial
BBC Radio 4 Shortcuts: Incantations
By Points of the Earth: Further Towards a Geomancy Bibliography
Fundamentals of Astrological Magic: Nov 2017
Reading Room: Sonia Ana Ortiz
In which I kick off a new on-going blog series, Reading Room, wherein I chat with colleagues about divination - from technical tips, to reflections on best practice, to personal perspectives, and how to get the most out of a session with a professional. This week, my friend and godsister Sonia Ana Ortiz talks ethics, love, and muay thai.
The Rain Will Make A Door V: The Mansion of Lost Hope
Circling Ways in Geomancy
The Blood of Moles
Death's Talking Head
On Gaap
Kepler College astrological magic Workshops
Chattering Magpie Reviews Cursing Conference
In which Carol Keith reviews the recent conference on the theme of cursing ably convened by the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic at Boscastle. Details of my talk on curse-craft and humoural theory are discussed, alongside the presentations from my dear friends and colleagues Jesse Hathaway Diaz and Demetrius Lacroix.