A circlet talisman of Caput Draconis, the Earthy geomantic figure of gentle blessings and spiritual elevation.
Dear Friends, I hope your January has been good to you. For my part I have already done quite a lot of travel, zooming around the UK for the first week on extended Magian pilgrimage, then stopping back home in Brooklyn before popping over to teach some classes in Salem for a week or so. It's also been a great month for planning a bunch of events and classes I'm excited to share with you!
Along with interviewing my pal Sarah Lyons about activism, divination, and her new book, Revolutionary Witchcraft, I am appearing on a panel she is convening on Friday 31st January to talk politics and power, sorcery and maleficia, and everything in between. It promises to be a great night at Bluestockings, and I hope folks in and around NYC can attend and raise a glass with us afterwards.
Straight after I'll be off to Denver to teach at the magnificent Ritualcravt. I'll be delivering a workshop class on geomancy on Saturday afternoon, and a lecture on the history and practice of love magic in pre-modern Europe on Sunday in the late afternoon. I loved visiting Ritualcravt and Denver more generally in November for the Mile High Conjure Gala and am excited to return and see lovely friends and hopefully make some new ones.
I am exceedingly excited to announce I an teaching not one but two webinar series starting in February. One will be a fresh cycle of my Sourcebook Course exploring the collection of texts called the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy for their use in early modern cunning-craft, witchcraft, spirit conjuration, necromancy, and demonology. There is a wealth of material here, and I'm very excited to share it with folks. More details and sign-up here.
Secondly, I will beginning a brand new Advanced Geomancy course for all those who have graduated from my Geomancy Foundation training. This new course will be On Remediation, gathering together a range of my personal and professional strategies, tactics, techniques, tips and tricks for not only reading and interpreting a situation accurately, but using geomantic divination and magic to secure blessings predicted, avoid pitfalls cautioned against, and remediate situations through ritual action, observations, and ceremony. I am especially eager for this material to get into the hands of those Geomancy Foundation alums who read for others.
Mid-February sees me return to Catland here in Bushwick, Brooklyn to continue my series on planetary magic. So we will be addressing the big blue Greater Benefic of Jupiter on Thursday 13th and I hope you can join us for this expansive Jovial celebration!
Finally, the last two weeks of February are consigned off to work more seriously on some writing projects, but I will be available for readings, coaching, and consults via the usual channels.
I'm continuing working on some new talismans in the form of planetary and geomantic bracelets, so check out my IG feed for more of those, and feel free to reach out and talk commissions.
And with that, I have to press on! I hope Secondmonth is excellent to you!