

In which I enthuse about upcoming events of February, including a panel on witchcraft and activism, teaching in Denver and Bushwick, and two new webinar series: On Remediation, a four-part course on where divination and magic meet; and a new cycle of the Sourcebook Course on the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy and its uses in cunning-craft, spirit conjuration, witchcraft and necromancy...

Rune Soup Interview - An Excellent Booke

Rune Soup Interview - An Excellent Booke

In which I return to Rune Soup to talk to Gordon about a sixteenth-century handbook of necromancy and spirit conjuration (and its accompanying scrying record and dream journals) that remains dear to my heart, in that I just co-wrote a book about it and its uses with Phil Legard. It is poised for release from Scarlet Imprint very soon, and available for pre-order now.