My article ‘Crafts of the Cunning: Cunning-Folk Practices in New England’ can be found in the Complete Book of North American Folk Magic: A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition ed. by Cory Thomas Hutcheson (Llewellyn, 2023), getting into some traditional cunnings of divination, charming, and unbewitching.
Conjure Codex V
Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness
Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness, or, A Geomancer’s Angelical Psalter of Calls containing vessels 19 with which to water the Earth (Hadean Press, 2022) is a collection of nineteen calls composed in the Angelical language (sometimes called Enochian) designed to open, clear, and close rituals of divination as well as stir the virtues and spirits of the sixteen figures of European Renaissance geomancy for securing blessings and remediating difficulties.
The Art of Cyprian's Mirror of Four Kings: An Early Modern Experiment of Cyprianic Conjuration
The Art of Cyprian, found in MS Sloane 3850, contains instructions for the construction and use of a magic mirror attributed Saint Cyprian of Antioch. Along with the preparation of the mirror itself – which includes making and consecrating a particular ink for drafting certain figures of Solomon – come instructions detailing a conjuration of the ‘four worthy princes of the earth’, including a special appeal to the King of the East as their primus inter pares, and a dismissal of these same ‘four kings of the four parts of the world’.
An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke
Phil Legard & Alexander Cummins, An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Scarlet Imprint, 2020).
A study of a sixteenth-century grimoire and its attendant scrying record - featuring inter alia the tutelary shades of infamous dead magicians, the Four Regents of Oriens, Paimon, Amaymon, and Egyn, and the fallen Enochic angel Azazel - offering unique perspectives on early modern spirit conjuration, scrying, necromancy, and ritual magic.
The Celestial Art: Essays on Astrological Magic
‘The Azured Vault: Astrological Magic in Seventeenth-century England‘, The Celestial Art: Essays on Astrological Magic, ed. by Austin Coppock & Daniel A. Schulke (Three Hands Press, 2018). My chapter in this excellent anthology deals with tools of materia and techniques of immateria in astrological magic.