A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, & Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings
My new book, A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, & Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings (Revelore Press, 2018), explores the history and the magic associated with the Three Wise Men: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. It combines historical accounts of their cultic veneration with ritual analysis of the grimoiric record of spells, charms, talismans, and incantations attributed their patronage.
Conjure Codex III
Prophecy and Eschatology in the Transatlantic World, 1550-1800
Cypriana: Old World
An anthology edited by myself, Jesse Hathaway Diaz and Dr Jenn Zahrt. This collection of translations, essays, and analysis explores European traditions connected to Saint Cyprian of Antioch: patron saint of occultists, grimoires, and necromancy. We are proud to include contributions from some of the foremost names in Cyprianic magic, including José Leitão and Jake Stratton-Kent. It is designed to be of use to historians, devotees, and magical practitioners alike.
The Starry Rubric
My first book, The Starry Rubric examines the environmental, political, and social functions of astrology and astrological magic during a particularly turbulent period of England's history: from talismans to ensure a good harvest, to astral propaganda and prophecy during the civil wars, to a whole variety of medical diagnostics and treatments.