A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, & Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings

A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, & Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings

My new book, A Book of the Magi: Lore, Prayers, & Spellcraft of the Three Holy Kings (Revelore Press, 2018), explores the history and the magic associated with the Three Wise Men: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. It combines historical accounts of their cultic veneration with ritual analysis of the grimoiric record of spells, charms, talismans, and incantations attributed their patronage. 

Cypriana: Old World

Cypriana: Old World

An anthology edited by myself, Jesse Hathaway Diaz and Dr Jenn Zahrt. This collection of translations, essays, and analysis explores European traditions connected to Saint Cyprian of Antioch: patron saint of occultists, grimoires, and necromancy. We are proud to include contributions from some of the foremost names in Cyprianic magic, including José Leitão and Jake Stratton-Kent. It is designed to be of use to historians, devotees, and magical practitioners alike.