In which I am interviewed by Andrew McGregor of The Hermit's Lamp and we discuss divining for clients, saints, intersections of spiritual and mental health work, the Magi, and geomancy.
In which I speak with poet and experimental writer Ross Sutherland about magic, poetry, and preparing for fatherhood.
In which Julio Ody and myself are interviewed by Gordon White of Rune Soup about Solomonic magic, grimoires, spirit lists, and the practical nitties and gritties of such magics. It was a lot of fun. Would three-way again.
In which I am interviewed by Elizabeth Ruth of Big Liz Conjure and my dear godbrother Demetrius AKA Etwai Bryie Bo Oungan on their podcast, The Black Craft. We talk mostly about planetary magic, although we also try to squeeze in a little bit about geomancy at the end!
To celebrate the launch of our anthology, Cypriana: Old World (Rubedo Press) - concerning a particular patron saint of occultists, grimoires, and necromancy - myself and my co-editors Jesse Hathaway Diaz and Dr Jenn Zahrt were interviewed by the delightfully smart Gordon White for his Rune Soup podcast. Enjoy.
A multi-part workshop series focusing on three Fundamentals of Astrological Magic: Sigils (and other magical objects); Services (and other rituals); and Spirits (and other details of conjuration). Each session is two-hours long, and draws on early modern history and occult philosophy to explore traditional astrological sorcery.
Two-hour illustrated introduction to geomancy, covering the history, philosophy and sorcery of this form of divination. This webinar for Kepler College was recorded 18th June 2016. No previous advanced astrological knowledge required.
A free webinar given for Kepler College on the 26th March 2016, addressing various functions and uses of astrology in seventeenth-century England.
Seventeenth-century England was tumultuous, fraught with Civil Wars, Revolution, and Restoration. The stars’ influence was traced in all aspects of life: from planting crops, to political propaganda, to medical care and what might be considered early modern parallels with modern guidance counselling. This workshop will focus on three main areas of astrological analysis and action: environmental, political, and socio-economic contexts.
A spoken word show recorded at Scarlet Imprint's Pleasure Dome event. In which is discussed scissor magic in folk lore and occult philosophy, the cut-up technique of Gysin and Burroughs, and the manipulation of old text to create new. Performed using a chatterbox and various randomising elements.
A short video in which I get excited about some of my favourite things about one of my favourite systems of divination: geomancy!