Visionary Bracelet of Via

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Visionary Bracelet of Via


Lunary Amuletic Charm for Mediumship & Water-working

A wearable magical assemblage from a limited batch run – ritually consecrated over a moon-cycle with prayers, oils, and perfumes – designed to aid in dream incubation, psychic vision, and scrying; as well as all spiritual works involving Water, from preparing and administering spiritual baths and washes to asperging spaces and magical tools.

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These beaded bracelets are strung with enchanted opalite and phlegmatic fishbone, conjured by specially-formulated Lunary perfumes, and asperged by herbal infusions of visionary mugwort, along with consecrated oils and powders of the Moon empowered by its Ruling Spirit Chasmodai. They can be worn to assist in all works of spirit contact and communication, visionary and evocatory scrying, and the arts of dream-work, as well as empowering all sorcerous acts of washing, sprinkling, bathing, and soaking.

This can range from assisting the wearer further develop their psychic sensitivities to the presence and messages of spirits, to improving dream recall and lucidity, and adding potency to magically-charged waters of blessing and transformation. These bracelets can also act as particularly potent tools in the arsenal of the diviner, magician, witch, or medium seeking to better commune with spiritual guides and tutelary shades, who may require additional support to perceive subtle energies and entities and understand and integrate their influences and advice.

Working with these ritual tools can especially assist those seeking to develop more intimate experience and engagement with their spirits, and those attempting to deepen their capacities for inner journeying, soul-flight, and astral travel; as well as all those who formulate and compound magical baths, sorcerous washes, and other waters of blessing for themselves or their clients and communities.

Working with a Via bracelet can be as simple as wearing it when shredding and infusing herbs, decocting roots, or otherwise preparing herbal or lustral waters; worn the wrist of the hand which holds a scrying medium such as mirror, shewstone, or waterbowl for visionary gazing; and either worn or bundled under the head when laying down to ritually incubate true dreams.

They are dedicated magical circuits cohering, radiating, and organising the Moon’s Watery visionary virtues and the spiritual capacities of Water to help us through life’s hardships and uncertainties. They may very well present their own unique utilities to experienced spiritworkers with ears to hear their spirits speaking; while those new to such geomantic magics are always welcome to message Dr Cummins for further instructions and ideas for working with them.